Our guidelines

Deployed for the world

Our colors

RGB: 0, 126, 229
HSL: 207, 100%, 45%
HSB: 207, 100, 90
PMS: 2925 C
RGB: 102, 186, 255
HSL: 207, 100%, 70%
HSB: 207, 60, 100
PMS: 284 C
RGB: 51, 196, 182
HSL: 174, 59%, 48%
HSB: 174, 74, 77
PMS: 631 C
RGB: 211, 45, 39
HSL: 2, 69%, 49%
HSB: 2, 82, 83
PMS: 173 C
RGB: 246, 249, 252
HSL: 210, 50%, 98%
HSB: 210, 2, 99
PMS: 663 C
RGB: 217, 225, 226
HSL: 187, 13%, 87%
HSB: 187, 4, 89
PMS: 7541 C
RGB: 123, 137, 148
HSL: 206, 10%, 53%
HSB: 206, 17, 58
PMS: 877 C
RGB: 85, 96, 128
HSL: 225, 20%, 42%
HSB: 225, 34, 50
PMS: 7669 C


Filer FILER filer

Use of Brand Materials

For interview requests or any other media enquiries, please contact press@filer001.gofiler.org. For any questions about using our logo or branding, or general marketing enquiries, please contact marketing@filer001.gofiler.org

The logos and materials provided on this website are the intellectual property of Filer. Please don't use our branding in a way that might imply a partnership or endorsement of your product or business without written consent from our team

Please don't alter our logos or graphics in any way. Contact our marketing team with any questions about using our branding materials

By using the Filer brand and these materials, you're agreeing to the Filer terms of service and the rules outlined here. We may change these policies from time to time

If in doubt, please contact our marketing team for approval of use of our brand and logo. All logos and brand materials are copyright 2016-2025 by Filer